✮⋆˙Mimikyu (Japanese: ミミッキュ Mimikkyu) is a dual-type Ghost/Fairy Pokémon introduced in Generation VII.
✮⋆˙While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, Mimikyu changes forms, from Disguised Form into Busted Form, when it is hit by an attack.
✮⋆˙Mimikyu debuted in Loading the Dex!.
✮⋆˙Though Ash tried to catch it, it decided to side with Team Rocket instead after spotting Pikachu and becoming enraged by his presence
✮⋆˙Mimikyu was properly caught by Jessie in First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!
✮⋆˙A Shiny Mimikyu, nicknamed Mimikins (Japanese ミミたん Mimi-tan), debuted in Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime?, under the ownership of Acerola
✮⋆˙Unlike regular Mimikyu, Mimikins is an actual ghost of a deceased Mimikyu, and thus can float in the air and pass through solid objects
✮⋆˙It has since made further appearances in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon
✮⋆˙It is unknown what Mimikyu's true appearance looks like. However, glimpses of it are seen, such as its claw, its underside, and its eyes
✮⋆˙Since this Pokémon is weakened by sunlight, it is rumored that the veil is used for protection
✮⋆˙It is believed that seeing its true form will cause a mysterious illness or even a painful death
✮⋆˙Because of this, Mimikyu will become agitated and violently stop anyone from attempting to look underneath its rag
✮⋆˙Mimikyu's disguise is modeled after Pikachu because of the popularity of Pikachu-styled merchandise, thinking that its disguise would allow it to make friends with people
✮⋆˙It uses the disguise to bond more with humans and other Pokémon
✮⋆˙Until recent times, Mimikyu was initially thought by humans to be just a ghost wearing a cloth
Type: Ghost/Fairy